Green and sustainable investing has evolved beyond all recognition and scale in the past 30 years. This is true for equity and fixed income investing as well as alternatives and non-public market asset classes. The liquidity landscape has changed...
Today, corporate treasurers and cash management professionals face unprecedented challenges in the wake of high-profile banking crises and easing regimes embarked upon by the Federal Reserve and other developed market central banks. The pressure to optimise liquidity, yield and...
Treasurers understand the importance of SLY (security, liquidity and then yield) when considering what to do with their surplus cash. However, there is increasing pressure to add ESG considerations into investment decisions and treasurers need to work out how...
In an uncertain global economy one prediction on which market participants are in unanimous agreement is the prospect of rate cuts in developed markets. Money market funds provide a valuable resource to investors throughout economic cycles, ensuring preservation of...
This time last year, we noted the disruption and uncertainty markets faced throughout 2022, as a decade-long, low-interest rate policy regime ended abruptly and fears of a recession loomed. Fast forward, and 2023 has been no less ‘interesting’ a...
How does one select a money market fund manager? Is it who offers the best rates, a manager linked to a relationship bank, a manager NOT linked to a relationship bank or the one with the easiest onboarding process?...
Bank collapses in March 2023 brought the importance of credit analysis into sharp focus. Here, learn the fundamentals of bank credit analysis, which – when combined with investment guidelines – will offer a best-practice approach to mitigating credit risk...
Recent turmoil in the banking sector, with the collapse of several banks in the US and Europe, has shone a spotlight on two key areas of risk for treasurers – liquidity and credit risk. Why? Investments in short-term credit...
With the appropriate credit strategy, an Ultra Short Duration Bond Fund (USBF) can provide investors additional yield potential and diversification opportunities with relatively low level of additional volatility. Following on from the introductory article in the USBF series, this...
Regulators and other bodies in a number of markets – most notably in Europe and the United States – are in the process of reviewing the rules under which money market funds (MMFs) operate. In Europe, this is part...